When I was single, I had no problems with weight. And that was despite the consumption of countless kilogrammes of junk food consumed on at least four continents. It is not the fault of my master-chef wife that I have since added all these extra pounds, that has been all my own work. In fact, I have enjoyed every bite on my road to excess. All seemed well while I was eating my chosen diet until my chosen diet began eating me. My physical slowdown may have been glacial in pace, but eventually, gravity dragged me down! That extra weight began to drain my energy—body, soul, and spirit.
You would have to be a hermit not to know that weight loss programmes are a multi-billion-dollar business. And, believe me, I have no intentions of adding anything to it. All I can say is that I‘ve managed to take off a few kilogrammes, but the fight to keep them off is easier said than done.
If I were to admit the worst thing about getting out of shape, it would be the effect it had on my outlook for the future. It is hard to think about celebrating your 100th birthday when wondering if you will even make it to seventy. The body, soul and spirit are inseparable from this side of heaven. When one part suffers, all suffer. It takes a lot of self-discipline to move forward spiritually when your body is not functioning properly. So, restoring good bodily health will probably make growth less strenuous in every way.
Petitioning God for good health on each other’s behalf is a good thing. And, by the way, though others may not appreciate it, you are more than welcome to talk to God about my health in your prayers. I need all the help I can get—maybe you do too?
Restoring my ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’ is something I need His help with—I know I have it!
John Staiger