Our airwaves are full of people pushing themselves forward as the latest authorities on all things “important.” I cannot recommend enough that Christians leave their familiar surroundings to take in the sights and sounds of the world far beyond their homes. One of the first things an astute traveller will notice on their return is that all those self-appointed authorities didn’t even notice they were gone. Thus, the only appropriate reaction to this is to spend the rest of your time ignoring them as much as possible.
The Kingdom of Christ is made up of varying sized churches around the world. Every church needs all of us to go out of our way to encourage them. The Holy Spirit has designed His church to thrive through cooperation. Individually and collectively, we are His Holy Dwelling Places. Experience tells us that we do not operate properly apart from one another. Consequently, too often the void created by isolation is filled with those worldly voices that are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to anger.
Blessed are they who take the Gospel to places beyond their friends and family. These are our intrepid travellers who leave the “important” behind for the Eternal. They are not amongst those who are quick to speak of temporary improvements to body and mind. They instead, are quick to sit down and listen to souls who are longing for eternal purpose.
When Amaziah told Amos to leave Bethel and take his prophesies with him, Amos did not stand up to him by reminding him that he was professionally trained. He couldn’t anyway because he didn’t even attend a school of the prophets. Amos’ fearlessness was founded on two realities: Firstly, God Himself told him to leave the farm and go north to preach, and secondly, he believed that God’s Word spoke for itself, whether Amaziah or King Jeroboam believed it of not.
It still does!
“And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news” (Romans 10:15).
John Staiger