(1)What if I forgave all my enemies today? (2)What if I prayed for revival at church? (3)What if I became a missionary? (4)What if I confessed all of my weaknesses? (5)What if I started tithing? (6)What if I finally repented of that one sin? (7)What if I prayed for my government? (8)What if I found my joy? (9)What if I taught a Bible class? (10)What if I took sermon notes? (11)What if I invited someone to church? (12)What if I volunteered to fix something? (13)What if I gave up lying? (14)What if I got up earlier? (15)What if I kept a journal? (16)What if I lost 20 pounds? (17)What if I prayed before I spoke? (18)What if I blessed everyone I met? (19)What if I killed gossip? (20)What if I defended uncomfortable truths? (21)What if I read the whole Bible? (22)What if I stopped complaining? (23)What if I just trusted Jesus? (24)What if I admitted that I was wrong? (25)What if I repented of my anger? (26)What if I gave away all my stuff? (27)What if I specialized in finding good in others? (28)What if I greeted strangers? (29)What if I praised God for my troubles? (30)What if I read a book on relationships? (31)What if I excelled in rejoicing? (32)What if I cleaned up my language? (33)What if I got organised? (34)What if I was always early? (35)What if I visited a prison? (35)What if I learned to lead singing? (36)What if I sent an anonymous gift? (37)What if I paid off my debt? (38)What if I always add, “If the Lord wills”? (39)What if I teach someone the gospel? (40)What if I take my family to church? (41)What if I memorize scripture? (42)What if I stop arguing? (43)What if I collect good friends? (44)What if I become merciful? (45)What if I welcome persecution? (46)What if I learned to fast? (47)What if I am brave enough to confront? (48)What if I go last? (49)What if I listen twice? (50)What if I was ready for heaven? (51)What if I planned to be at my 100th birthday party? (52)What if I sought God’s will for me? (53)What if I failed a humility test? (54)What if I always seek wisdom for every question asked?