I once visited a home and was told by the occupant that they had been kidnapped by aliens and experimented upon. The person was absolutely convinced that it had happened to them and spoke of the ordeal at length. Years before, while at Bible College, I met members of a local UFO group. They were interested to know my thoughts on Alien involvement on the formation of the earth and its anthropological development. As requested, I set up a panel of believers in Christ who had studied the various theories. The UFO group listened with great interest and grace. If I had my time again, I would prefer that they had done most of the talking, and we more of the listening. It especially interests me that people can congregate around such ideas. Since the US Airforce base known as Area 51 is a top-secret facility, it has become grist for the mill for many UFO conspiracy theorists. Where would TV, movies, books, and computer games be without alien sightings? But I’m not sure that you need to go to Nevada to find the spiritual equivalent. Sadly, many churches have also made themselves into an area fit for top-secret aliens. Too many churches have crash-landed their faith and set up shop as community service groups—hiding all signs that they were once ‘not of this world’ (Jn.15:19). Peter calls Christians “aliens and strangers” (1Pet.2:11). We are citizens of heaven (Phil.3:20) who are physically resident on earth. There is to be nothing top-secret about us. We are here to take over the world for Jesus (Mt.28:18-20). To fill the nations with congregations of fellow aliens. Waiting to be ‘beamed up’ to glory any minute.