A Christian sister told me that she had once gone to work with a fellow church member. She said that she didn’t stay in the job long. To this day I wish I hadn’t asked her why. She told me that the other Christian employee, unaware that she could hear, “blasphemed three times, in three different ways, in the space of three minutes.” She was horrified, and wondered at the spiritual state of the other Christian.The Third Commandment (Ex.20:7) plainly prohibits the misuse of God’s name and declares that the offender will be held guilty—that goes for all of us.When taking prayer seriously, we gradually awaken to the other-world-ness of what we are engaging in. We are addressing the pure and holy God while sojourning in this dark world of unfettered filth.Praise God that our brothers and sisters carry the Light of Christ and share in the fellowship of prayer, but the many hours spent away from their encouragement sees darkness come closer.By lifting high the Name of God, we address our Father in heaven according to his nature. He is indeed holy!Intense praise brings forth increased quality of your words in worship in prayer, reflecting your growing appreciation of His glory.Mary, when pregnant with Christ, exalts God: “From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name” (Luke 1:48-49).We too exalt His name, because, but for His sinless Son, we would not be able to speak in God’s presence.“Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice” (Psalm 105:3).John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends. (319)