Heart Matters #3. “Giving from the heart.”

Heart Matters #3. “Giving from the heart.”

Show me someone whom you look up to as a spiritual mentor, and it is guaranteed that they are kind and generous. For as a spiritually discerning soul, it is natural to admire those who share with the needy—they reflect our Saviour most.

However, their giving spirit will not be confined to aiding the poor. They will usually be hospitable to a fault and inclined to share the very food off their plates. Are they taken advantage of? Yes, often. Do they believe that they are being taken advantage of? Usually not. But if it does become obvious to them that they have been taken advantage of, they are likely to give the benefit of the doubt anyway.

The generous of spirit understand most that money is but one of their useful tools in their ministry toolbox. If they have money, they merely add it in with everything else they have to use it to build up the church. Cash neither defines nor confines their love of giving to the Lord’s work.

Godly givers do not concern themselves with getting—that they entrust to God. Instead, they see themselves as stewards of what belongs to God. Yes, it is theirs to manage, but they do not see it as theirs to keep.

I understand that many Christians will agree with what I have been saying, but will also see me as being idealistic. I assure you, there is no real joy in the Christian experience outside of a giving heart.

“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return” (Luke 6:38).

John Staiger