Someone commented the other day that they had observed that various cultures seem very comfortable when wearing face masks at all times. I simply reminded them that it probably has to do with the pollution they endure in their home countries. If it is true that 92% of the world’s population breathes dirty air, you have to wonder if you are among the 8% who have the good fortune to be able to breathe easy. Much time and effort has been put into the cleaning up of the planet’s air. Photos of those populous city skylines covered with a blanket of thick smog doesn’t exactly make this statistic any easier to refute. Paul says in Romans 8:22—“For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.” Earth, once God’s idyllic human home, was given over to weeds, pain, murder, flood…etc, after man’s deliberate disobedience. That’s just the way it is. However, Christians must be the first to accept their custodial responsibilities—The world is God’s and a resource that brings forth blessings for all. Being sharers of its rich produce, we dare not share in its abuse. We are the first to see God’s handiwork: The mastery of the seasons, the gift of the rains, and the abundance of all that miraculously springs to life. God’s providence is on full display and we glorify Him for it. But remember, we are not for this world. We were…until we broke contract. The fruit of our sin became just that! Jesus will return one day. On that day everything left behind will be reduced to cosmic ash. So, it doesn’t pay to put eternal value in temporary things.