Nothing New under the Sun #7. “Crooked made straight.”

Nothing New under the Sun #7. “Crooked made straight.”

Each new generation seeks to fix the inadequacies of the past.

Admittedly, in material terms advances have been made for many. But in moral terms the same old problems persist. Such is the hopeless state of “life under the sun” that Scripture insists that the eyes of man are like the abode of the dead—never satisfied! (Proverbs 27:20).

It is sad to think that millions lie in their beds every night wondering if there is hope for this world. Sadder still is their refusal to look for hope in the One who designed us to live under His care. Thus, the man who lives life on the human plane will discover the hard truth of Solomon’s words:

“What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted” (Ecclesiastes 1:15).

Since our extrication from Eden, we have lived among the weeds. Try as we may to untangle ourselves from the shackles of sin, we slave in our self-made sweatshops of desire. In vain we strive to straighten the crooked ways of this world, only to find that we lack the wherewithal to change even ourselves.

Isaiah prophesied that help was on the way for those who sought hope beyond that which is offered by this world (Isaiah 40:3-5). He was speaking of the ministry of Jesus Christ to come—the way of the Lord back to God.

“Every valley will be filled, and every mountain and hill will be brought low, and the crooked will be made straight, and the rough ways will be made smooth, and all humanity will see the salvation of God.” (Luke 3:5-6NET).

With man it is impossible to straighten that which is crooked or count that which is lacking, but with God all things are possible.

John Staiger