Preach the Word–Or the Bad Guys Will.

Preach the Word–Or the Bad Guys Will.

Preach the Word–Or the Bad Guys Will.

With each passing week we hear news of politicians and governments rendering decisions that are said to be driving us to the brink of destruction. They may me right, I know not. But I do know that God’s warnings to Israel of old sound as if they could be written for today.Six hundred years before Christ, the Prophet Isaiah preached to a religious leadership that had become rotten to the core. Imagine Isaiah delivering this message at a modern minister’s banquet:“The priest and the prophet reel with strong drink…they are confused…they stagger…they reel while having visions…they totter when rendering judgment…For all the tables are full of filthy vomit, without a single clean place” (Isaiah 28:7-8).These same priests and prophets mocked Isaiah’s preaching as if it were the babblings of a child: “Order on order…Line on line…A little here, a little there” (Isa.28:10). But God made sure they wished they had listened to His Word through that ‘babbling’ prophet Isaiah. They in turn would be mocked incessantly by the unintelligible words of their foreign captors—as if: “Order on order…Line on line…A little here, a little there” (Isa.28:13). When the sins of the world go unchecked among our church leaders, we are doomed to go into some sought of spiritual exile—whatever it might take for God to wake us up. When the Word of God is preached, it will be heard by those who have ‘ears to hear.’Thus, we should not be surprised when our pulpits are hijacked by those who ‘tickle the ears.’In these days where the words of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are today’s news, we must be vigilant in strengthening and encouraging our preachers and teachers. We depend on it…!John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends.


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