If you were put in charge of the moral development of your city, what would you do? What kind of people could you rely on to lift the moral standards of your town?Surely, the best people to look to are those who are already doing it. And doing it without even being asked. Those whose concern for their fellow man makes them an automatic blessing to your community. These are the people I know who are already doing it:*Christians gathered in churches of Christ being God’s beacons of light and instruments of good.*Men of God praying over the city. Crying out to God for strength to stand as an example of men of integrity.*Women of God ever concerned about the heart and the moral wellbeing of those God puts into her hands.*Godly fathers rising to the challenge of spiritual leadership, becoming an unstoppable force for Jesus.*Godly mothers raising children in the wisdom and counsel of the Spirit, becoming a powerhouse of love and virtue.*Godly youth, full of hope and energy, exerting every fibre of their being to rise to the potential God has invested in them.*Workers walking in the Spirit, whose bosses are blessed to have employees who are working as if for God.Disciples of Christ who are: Forgiving when wronged; Generous to the needy; Kind at all times; and Friendly to all…What community wouldn’t want people like this?John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends.