Proverbs 13:14“The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,To turn aside from the snares of death.”

Proverbs 13:14“The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,To turn aside from the snares of death.”

Reducing Christian service to a two-hour Sunday morning experience has weakened the church in every way. It has ripped the heart out of any sense of needing a daily Christian resolve. Thinking that two hours a week is going to sustain a Christian for the other 166 hours is spiritual suicide. It robs us of the joy of seeing the spiritual war from the eyes of one seeking to take the fight to the devil.Don’t get me wrong, the saints coming together for Sunday worship is vital. It starts our week off as it should. Filled with the bread of life, hearts and minds centred on Christ’s sacrifice, and all encouraged in prayer and song. Our goal is to see and turn aside from the snares of death.That ‘Fountain of life’ that comes forth from the ‘teaching of the wise’ is that which sustains us. You and I drink from it, and from you and I it goes forth. We get strength and direction from the mature brothers and sisters we ‘daily’ learn from – and pass it on. This is practical wisdom. Instructions on techniques to recognise and avoid the snares of the devil. Too many of us are spending Sunday in church and the rest of the week getting caught in a series of pre-set traps.It is incumbent upon you and I to imbibe the Word, imitate mature saints, and go forth (by continual trial and error), to share that Fountain of Life. John Staiger

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