Proverbs 1:7“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 1:7“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 1:7“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

You may know a couple who gives very good marital advice, but oddly, they seem to be unable to live it out in their own marriage. Any sense of personal practical use for their knowledge seems to be missing. It is solely for the purpose of being passed on. Facts accumulated, but facts never imbibed.Knowledge worth sharing is gathered with the will of the Lord in mind. It is the fear of the Lord that sets us up with this mindset.Sin unchecked turns into a train wreck. It’s negative consequences are living proof that somebody deliberately despised the wisdom and instruction of the Lord. The one thing always missing in the carnage is any evidence that God was present. Naturally so because His presence was rejected in the first place—thus the outcome.Cain should have been terrified at the prospect of facing the wrath of God. He wasn’t. In fact, such was his hardness of heart, he didn’t even repent for murdering his brother. The fear of the Lord was the last thing on his mind! So, he rejected the knowledge of the Lord (he heard it loudly and clearly from the Lord Himself) because he was a fool who despised wisdom and instruction.As Christians we fear, listen, and do! We approach God in all awe and reverence. He has allowed us, the unholy, to enter his Holy Presence. We are ever aware of our blessed state. One that is possible because Jesus gave us the true knowledge of the Father. A Father full of grace and truth.“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (Jn.17:3).John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends.


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