There were two men in prison and the only book they had was a dictionary. One of them asked, “What do you think of the story so far?” The other answered, “It’s a bit slow. For some reason the author feels that he needs to explain every word.”
Given that Jesus’ return can happen at any moment, and that there are eight billion souls on earth, we do well to think “evangelism,” and not be slow about it.
When James said, “Let not many of you be teachers” (James 3:1), he wasn’t excusing anyone from preaching the good news to all creation (Mark 16:15). All of us are couriers of the Gospel, at home and abroad. We take and share that which God has given to us—eternal life!
The world is a dark and calloused place. The devil and his demons are continually discouraging and dissuading us from leaving our homes to spread the Gospel. Like Martha, we “are worried and upset about many things” (Luke 10:41). Jesus calls us to the “only one thing [that] is needed.” He explained, “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her” (Luke 10:42).
Like Mary, we too must be quick take up residence at the feet of Jesus. There, we claim that which is better, that which is ours for eternity—the Gospel.
As Jesus taught his disciples before us, he will also teach us to “be fishers of men” (Luke 5:10). Such training involves a Christlike love for the lost, dedication to the scriptures, much prayer, and a willingness to talk to others about their souls.
When it comes to evangelism, too often we are too slow about it. Thus, in the case of winning souls, it is apt to say, “What thou doest, do quickly!”
John Staiger