Check my maths, but I believe that if a man lives 80 years on this earth, he will consume no less than 700,800 hours of time. Having already used up more than three quarters of that, it causes me to seriously contemplate the value of my investment so far. Of course, it is a waste of time wallowing in a sea of regret, though wisdom does demand a fair accounting. The hours ahead need to be used to their fullest for Jesus.
Waking each new day to prayer and Bible reading both cleanses your mind of the wastage from the past and fills it with useful tools for the present and future. You cannot underestimate its power to bring renewal to every aspect of your life.
But beware, you will not be too many days into your daily devotions before it occurs to you (I speak from personal experience), that you had previously slowed your walk in the Spirit down to a crawl. You will be like a person who suddenly realises how far their physical health has deteriorated, and is tempted to give up. Yes, like physical renewal, spiritual renewal also takes time, self-discipline, and a lot of changes to your daily routine. But believe me, it is worth it – Perseverance pays off.
Looking back, you will see that all those days begun with focusing your mind on God’s will for your day will have wrought spiritual fitness and strength. Old temptations that once beset you will be assigned to the rubbish heap of the past and the new temptations will be seen for what they are, and dealt with in the strength of the Lord.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2).
John Staiger