“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose” (Philippians 2:2).
Every now and then I find myself at the front of the auditorium wondering why I haven’t made it my permanent place of residence during worship. It is up there that you hear the voices of the whole congregation united as a rich and powerful force.
When Paul speaks of the church “being of the same mind,” he is looking for that same sense of powerful unity. When everyone is educated and motivated by the Holy Spirit their combined thoughts about God become great works for God.
As much as diversity of personality and ability is vital to the functioning and growth of the church, it is our sameness of mind that forms the foundation of our cause for Christ.
Give thought to these things (not a complete list) that should be considered non-negotiables in the minds of Christians everywhere:
*We believe that God, in His love, sent His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world.
*We believe that salvation is found only by having faith in Jesus’ name.
*We believe that Jesus died on a cross, was buried, and rose to life on the third day.
*We believe that it is only in baptism that a sinner’s sins are forgiven.
*We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
*We believe that Jesus is the Head of only one church—no denominations.
*We believe that we are to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent in all things pertaining to faith and worship.
*We believe that Christians are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
*We believe that Christians are to meet together on the Lord’s Day (Sunday) to worship in spirit and in truth.
*We believe that love for Christ motivates the Christian to lay down their life for others.
Being united in mind in all these things, will indeed make the church a rich and powerful force.
John Staiger