Series: Running toward the Prize. #7. “Jesus, the Leader and Perfector of the faith” (Heb.12:2).

Series: Running toward the Prize. #7. “Jesus, the Leader and Perfector of the faith” (Heb.12:2).

Every church claims to be a ‘church of Christ.’ Though they may go by other names, they all insist that their practices and beliefs originate in Christ’s teachings. In fact, every student of church history knows that almost all churches believe themselves to have been ‘reformed’ or ‘restored’ at one point or another over the last 2000 years. And, unsurprisingly, none of them sees their reformers, or restorers, as ‘adding to, or taking away, from scripture.’Calling yourself ‘The Church of Christ’ and actually being ‘The Church of Christ’ may be two totally different things.

Convictions about origin and practice must undergo severe scrutiny. Congregations must be full of self-thinking souls who know ‘The Leader and Perfector of the faith’ for themselves. Inherited faith is for little children. Adults, on hearing the gospel choose if they are going to follow the Leader of the faith—Jesus Only Saviour! Skewed doctrine will slow that process down.

When ‘The Faith’ is redefined, so is the One who started it. Then it follows that ‘faith’ under those conditions can never mature and come to its intended completion—being face to face with Jesus.

The Bible holds up a clear picture of who is the true ‘Leader and Perfector of the faith.’ It is He on whom we are to fix our eyes. With counterfeit Christs and churches everywhere, we would do well to carry around this picture. So, the next time somebody claims to be a ‘church of Christ’ and the true followers of ‘The Leader and Perfector of the faith,’ ask if they would mind if you held up the Bible picture of Him for comparison. You really do need to have a clear idea of who you are following; only Jesus can bring you home.

John Staiger


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