Sermons by John Staiger (Page 15)
Together – Apart
Be at peace with all men. Back in lockdown Only 10 can gather for worship due to Covid Covid is a virus that has affected many. Is it a medical, politic and inconvenient, the answer is YES! We must make the most of every opportunity to glorify God. These are “civilian matters” not spiritual 2 Timothy 2:4 4 No one in military service gets entangled in matters of everyday life; otherwise he will not please[a] the one who recruited him.
The Discipline of God
Hebrews 12:7 7 Endure your suffering[a] as discipline;[b] God is treating you as sons. For what son is there that a father does not discipline? Sometimes we go through our christian lives thinking that God is trying to get us. The point is God is n to trying to get you. Does God discipline us, yes he most certainly does.
I’m Sorry
Clayton’s Apology•The apology you make when you’re not really sorry. Herod’s sorrow didn’t save John The Baptizer Saul’s sorrow didn’t stop him from trying to kill David 2 Corinthians 7:10 10 For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance [a]without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death.
My Place In The Plan
Is there a church where everyone fits? •A one-size-fits-all?•Some say “NO!” •They say, “We are all different, with different preferences.” 1 Peter 4:10-12 10 As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 11 Whoever speaks, is to do so [a]as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving [b]by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom…
Why Do We Go To Church?
Is saying, “I’m going to church” a problem?•YES, If…1.…it means a church buildinga)Because ‘Church’ has nothing to do with man-made structures.2.…it means anything other than God’s peoplea)Businessb)Secular charities •NO, If…1.‘Church’ is understood as Jesus’ followers who:a)Confess Jesus as Lord and Saviourb)Congregate together to worshipc)Work to meet needs to a spiritual end John 4:24 John 4:24 24 God is [a]spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”