I have heard some of the malicious things said about me over the years. I know that some of those lies and half-truths are still floating around out there. But the older I get, the less I seem to be concerned about them. Some people are never going to like me, and there may not be much I can do about what they say. All I can do is reflect upon the situation, learn what I can, and add no fuel to that fire.When was the last time that somebody lied about you?You should not be surprised when people falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Jesus. It has always gone with the territory of faith (Mt.5:11-12).However, God’s commandment comes even closer to home. It prohibits you and me from giving into our tendency to spread falsehoods about others.Spreading half-truths and doubt about the character of another makes them appear guilty in the court of public opinion. Something that is all too often planned by the best of us.This commandment specifically prohibits lying in a court of law about your fellow citizen. God in His wisdom expected cases to be settled on the evidence of ‘two or three witnesses.’ Otherwise, prosecution could have too easily been based on the word of one man with an axe to grind (Deut.19:15-16).Evil develops in the heart long before it ends up in a court room. It is in the heart we must deal with it – before it damages all parties concerned.So, before we leave home each day, we will do well to decide to:“Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God!”Wise words!John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends. (332)