Get close to, and stay close to, those whose Spiritual Houses have withstood every storm Satan has thrown at them. Bee-line them in church, visit them, text them, phone them…Do what they do, and keep doing what they have done. These are our church builders – They have persevered, no matter what!
Endurance entails many daily exercises. We must give thought to our levels of persistence in prayer, scripture reading, encouraging the saints, and seeking lost souls. Those who wake morning after morning to persevere in such things grow in wisdom before God and man.
Neglect of these building blocks of faith always ends in tragedy. How many Christians do you know who have ignored their spiritual houses and fallen away? Sadly, you can be assured that before that brother or sister ‘Fell away’ from the Lord, they had long since started to ‘drift away’ from the activities of the church. If they were not seeking strength and encouragement in the fellowship of the church, they were not seeking strength and encouragement in prayer and Bible study either.
I am making this sound easier than it is. For we all know that the fastest way to get Satan’s attention is to pause frequently and check those basic disciplines that keep us walking in Christ.
But at the risk of being a one-scripture-passage-preacher, suffice it to say that the verse before the ones where we are told to simulate each other to love and good deeds, and to make sure we don’t stop going to church, sets us up for success:
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).
“A word for the wise–Persevere!”
John Staiger