Christians have every reason to greet each new day with hope. Too many of us slip in and out of a state of unhappiness and have no idea why. This, of course, need not be. For, as those indwelled by the Spirit of Christ, we are the blessed with blessings to share.
Yes, Satan is up before we are, and, yes, he and his demons have plans already laid out to tempt and deceive us—but we need not let them. Instead, we go forth daily as those equipped to stand against those satanic forces. We operate as those assured of protection, knowing that “if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
So, wherever you are, and whatever your circumstances, you can expect that great things will come from your service to Christ. This may not be obvious at the time, but often the effects of walking by faith are only seen clearly in the rear vision mirror.
The sweet fellowship of the saints makes it easy to forget your former enslavement to sin and its horrible consequences. But now, aware of where you came from, you can be grateful to Jesus for breaking those chains. You can joyfully give yourself over as a slave to righteousness and its blessings. Therein, your Master promises to supply all your needs according to his riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).
Who knows what a day may bring? God does, and we marvel at its possibilities.
John Staiger