Christianity is aspirational by nature. Our Kingdom work has eternal value because it is empowered by our Eternal God; effort is never wasted. Thus, how can we NOT move forward? For our ambitions are founded upon the very Rock of our Salvation.
So why do so many give up the fight?
It is because, like Peter on the stormy sea, they take their eyes off the one who upholds them.
The sooner we realise that we are all spiritually sunk without fixing our eyes on Jesus, the more progress we will make. But fear not, for as much effort as Satan puts into our failure, Jesus puts more into our success.
Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to work within us. He sanctifies us and uses us to expand the borders of the Kingdom of Christ. In us are his works of righteousness.
It is little wonder then that Satan seeks to immobilize us. And, knowing our preferences, he tempts us at our weakest points. Name a sin that Satan hasn’t branded, packaged, and delivered.
This generation is being hit by a tsunami of filth, deception, and addiction on a scale unequalled since before the flood. We have sown the wind and are indeed reaping the whirlwind.
However, the Lord’s Church marches on in its goodness. Paul cries aloud:
“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary” (Galatians 6:9).
I have seen a lot of weariness lately. Saints who have laboured long and hard and wondered at the damage Satan has inflicted upon the church in recent years.
Though it is natural to be discouraged, it is not necessary. The Lord tends His vineyard, and He knows those who abide in Him and those whom He must prune. If you and I abide in Jesus and seek to bear fruit in his name, we will reap a harvest of righteousness.
Now, that’s inspirational and aspirational.
John Staiger