Walk by Faith #2. “Help my unbelief.”

Walk by Faith #2. “Help my unbelief.”

“How are you doing spiritually?”

This is one question that we should never be afraid to ask or answer. It forces our thoughts back into the spiritual war that is raging in and round us. While we are being so easily distracted with petty pursuits, Satan is busy maneuvering our minds ever further away from “things above.”

Little do we realise that those mundane distractions dull our senses and leave us weakened for the fight. Left unchecked the state of our faith will be imperilled.

Jesus said to the father of the demon-possessed boy, “All things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23).

Jesus’ words made the father question the state of his faith. And realising how little faith he had, “he cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief”” (Mark 9:24).

Until something impacts your life in a way beyond the ordinary, the chances of it being associated with the ‘state of your faith’ is slim. It is when you are forced to ask God to bring change or comfort into your life, or the life of a loved one, that you acknowledge your lack of faith.

You cannot separate “Faith” and “Prayer.” Your prayer life is a mirror image of the state of your faith.

It is in the realisation that you are fragile in body and spirit that God assures you that your soul is safely in His hands. He will not stop the sin that causes pain, hurt, and confusion, but He will provide wisdom, strength, and endurance to bring divine purpose to all things.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).

John Staiger