Walk by Faith #9. “Overcoming Faith Obstacles.”

Walk by Faith #9. “Overcoming Faith Obstacles.”

Your Faith Journey will not be a smooth one. In fact, the closer you get to your Heavenly Destination, the more obstructions you can expect to encounter.

From the earliest days of my Christian walk I have been privileged to be among brethren willing to share their struggles. A common theme has been ‘Spiritual Roadblocks’ that have hindered our progress and tested our faith. I have been blessed by these fellow travellers.

However, if I am honest, some of those stoppages were not so much caused by the outside forces of temptation, but by a lack of inner strength; at times we lacked power to resist and go on.

The three most preventable Faith Obstacles are the three most obvious ones: Biblical ignorance, erratic prayer, and minimal fellowship. Unchecked, the neglect of Bible, prayer, and church will cause spiritual starvation.

The good news is that these self-imposed obstacles can be easily thrust aside with self-disciple.

Regular Bible reading is going familiarize you with God’s interactions with saint and sinner alike. Those who drew close to God saw His wonder in all things. Those who didn’t, knew no peace.

Your prayers say everything about you; what you pray about is what you care about! Be warned: The devil knows this and will make unholy things look holy—if you let him! Pray with knowledge.

The old idea of ‘Church Fellowship’ may have been redefined in this internet age, but it all looks the same to God. Either you take your relationships with God and the church seriously or you don’t. How seriously you take church? The evidence is easily seen in the depth of your relationships with fellow Christians.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

John Staiger